Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Parenthetically Paraguay

Yesterday afternoon I was flipping through my favorite reference book, The New York Public Library Desk Reference, and ran across this line: "In Paraguay, dueling is legal provided both parties are registered blood donors" (938.) I think this is among the most fabulous policies that I have ever seen! I decided to look around and see if there were any more nuggets about this tiny South American country of which I know essentially nothing. It turns out that there are quite a few!
  • There are only two completely landlocked countries in South America: Bolivia, and you guessed it, Paraguay (Bolivia, Oxford.)
  • The country's name means "land with an important river" in Guaraní, the language of the native peoples of the area (Paraguay, Hutchinson.) How succinct and practical can you get?!
  • "Paraguay produces more electricity per person than any other country" (Paraguay, Oxford.) Shocking!
  • According to National Geographic's website, Paraguayans are "the most racially homogeneous in South America." The population tends to be of Spanish and Guaraní descent.
  • From 1865-1870, Paraguay fought a bitter war with Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Ninety percent of Paraguay's male population, the ones that were able to fight, that is, were killed (National Geographic.) That's such an astounding number!

  • Ñandutí lace is one of Paraguay's famous traditional crafts (Paraguayans, Cassell's.) Isn't it beautiful?
Isn't it strange how little we know about other places? I hope these tidbits have made your mind ponder the rest of the world, if only for just a moment!

The New York Public Library Desk Reference, 3rd Edition
"Bolivia" Oxford Guide to Countries of the World. Peter Stalker. Oxford University Press 2007. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Mississippi Library Commission. 19 March 2009
"Paraguay" Oxford Guide to Countries of the World. Peter Stalker. Oxford University Press 2007. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Mississippi Library Commission. 18 March 2009
Paraguay. (2008). In The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather guide. Abington: Helicon. Retrieved March 18, 2009, from
PARAGUAYANS. (2005). In Cassell's Peoples, Nations and Cultures. London: Cassell. Retrieved March 19, 2009, from

1 comment:

  1. What about singing the national anthem, "Republic or Death!"

    Hey, have you seen The Pope's Toliet? It is set in Uragauy whose motto is "Freedom or Death". Who is copying whom?
