As I was passing our New Book shelf a moment ago, a couple of books caught my eye. Then another. And another! And thus, a blog post was born. Check out these fancy new titles recently acquired by MLC:
Bet You Didn't Know: Hundreds of Intriguing Facts about Living in the USA by Cheryl Russell
This book of percentages is arranged by subject, so in case you're wondering what percentage of Americans are expecting an inheritance, you'd first look under Money to find out that the number is 14% and under Family to learn that 65% of adults live within a one-hour drive from their parents.
Food is Culture by Massimo Montanari
This essay-in-book-form explores such themes as the invention of cooking/cuisine, how taste is a product of society, and eating together. It's also an adorable size, and if any of you made reading goals this year (such as 52 books in 52 weeks), this is a good one to sneak in since it's only 140 pages.
The Late Plays of Tennessee Williams by William Prosser
Ever wondered about Williams' play In a Bar of a Tokyo Hotel? This book explains it, along with tons of other plays.
The American Patriot's Almanac: Daily Readings on America by William J. Bennett and John T.E. Cribb
This charming book gives us a tidy history lesson for each day of the year. Did you know that today in 1781, the Bill of Rights was ratified? It was also the day in 1939 that Gone with the Wind premiered.
Annus Horribilis: Latin for Everyday Life by Mark Walker
Finally, tons of great information on the language I should've taken in high school. Did you know the following words are Latin? Agenda, circus, data, doctor, trivia, video. Gratia, Mark Walker!
The Shoelace Book: A Mathematical Guide to the Best (and Worst) Ways to Lace Your Shoes by Burkard Polster
The title says it all, doesn't it?
Come on in to check out these titles, or get your ILL on.
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