Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stop the Presses!

This morning a meebo patron asked how much those warranty cards that are often included with appliances cost. Pricing can fluctuate depending on weight or size of paper, color or black and white prints, and other details. But, for a quality estimate, I spoke to Jennifer, a wonderful representative from Printingforless.com. Here is the estimate I received:

1000 4.25x5.5 Postcards (4 color, none coating, 14 pt) gloss cover cards cost $126.00, with shipping.

Of course these prices could drop depending on quantity or if the company does in-house printing. The interesting question here is if consumers should fill out the warranty card at all.

Tom Hebrock, writing for twice.com, argues that many extended services- plans can benefit consumers. Hebrock explains, “A good service program, may, for example, cover damage from power surges or normal wear and tear.” However consumerreports.org warns customers to be cautious of companies using catchphrases offering “lifetime” warranties. They claim, ““Lifetime” can pertain to the life of the buyer, the usual life of a product, or the life of, say, a vehicle if the warranty is offered on a part.” The bottom line is that before you purchase any warranty, make sure to read the fine print.

Lastly, you can always call, meebo, or email the reference department at MLC if you have any questions about a warranty. We will do our best to answer any question you may have before your next big purchase.

Hebrock, Tom. “Consumer Advocates Misinformed on Extended-Service Plans.” Twice.com, September 28, 2001, http://www.twice.com/article/355572-Consumer_Advocates_Misinformed_On_Extended_Service_Plans.php (accessed July 6, 2010)
“A Lifetime Warranty Means…” Consumerreports.org, January 10, 2010, http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine-archive/2010/january/shopping/lifetime-warranties/overview/lifetime-warranties-ov.htm (accessed July 6, 2010)

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