Thursday, June 14, 2012

Eudora, Eudora!

Genealogy questions are among the many requests we receive here at the Mississippi Library Commission.  We help patrons look for family links, military records, or anything else we can help them to find using Ancestry Library Edition, Heritage Quest, or books and records in our Mississippi Reference Collection.  It was a delight when I happened across a book titled Eudora while searching through Mississippi documents.  Eudora, edited and selected by Patti Carr Black, is like a family album spanning back to Eudora Welty’s great grandparents on both her paternal (Welty) side and maternal (Andrews) side.  We often see pictures of notable, historical figures during their “prime” years of being famous, and we rarely get a peek of their family history.  Here are a few photos for you to enjoy!  Feel free to say, “Aww!”

"Mother's father, Edward Raboteau Andrews, was called Ned.  he was the first in his family to leave Virginia and move to West Virginia, where he practiced law and met his wife, Eudora Carden [her namesake]" (Eudora 3).

"First visit to Ohio, rocking with Grandpa Jefferson Welty" (Eudora 14).

Eudora Welty and her father, Christian Webb Welty (Eudora 19).

"I was crazy about watches; all children are, I guess" (Eudora 16).

We have many titles about Eudora Welty, and by Eudora Welty.  Do you have questions about her?  Let us know!  Or maybe this post stirs up old memories, inspiring you to fill in the gaps in your own family history!  We would love to help!

Eudora. Ed. Patti Carr Black. Jackson, MS: Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 1984. Print.

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