Friday, April 4, 2014

What would you do for a drink right now?

It's Friday and, as the old adage goes, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere!" I'm not knocking back libations at the library right now, but I believe the fellow mentioned in the article would be. While the event took place in Bowling Green, Ohio, I found the article on the front page of the March 11, 1909 issue of the Simpson County News of Mendenhall, MS.

The article reads as follows: "Claiming that her aged husband, suffering from a deep-seated thirst in a dry county, had traded her for a keg of beer that some more fortunate neighbor had succeeded in smuggling over the line, Mrs. Goddell, aged 65, of Bowling Green, O., was taken in care by the Wood county trustees. She was found living with her daughter, the latter's husband and six children, after running away from the man whom she claims bought her. The family was living in the most abject destitution."

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