Monday, September 22, 2014

Celebrate the Freedom to Read - Banned Books Week 2014

Banned Books Week 2014 runs from Sunday, September 21-Saturday, September 27. Each year, libraries, booksellers, readers, and other people whose business is books gather in their support of the "freedom to read". During the week, many places hold special events and present special displays with the intent of highlighting banned and censored books. This year, the Mississippi Library Commission is joining in the festivities for this important commemorative event. Drop by the Reference Department between 8 and 5 this Monday and Friday and have your picture taken with a censored or banned book. We bet there are some on our censorship cart that will surprise you. By the way, the theme this year is graphic novels and comic books. How exciting for us that we get to show off our new graphic novel section in such a rewarding manner!

We designed these nifty bookmarks to go inside some of our books that have a history of being suppressed.

If you'd like to make your own, you can borrow our templates here:


  1. Is there a list of banned books somewhere? I guess I could just google...

  2. Valena, this link: will take you to several lists of banned and challenged books at the American Library Association's website. Let us know if you need anything else.
