Friday, April 24, 2015

Ardor for Arbor Day

Cypress Trees on the Natchez Trace
According to the Arbor Day Foundation, Arbor Day is "an annual observance that celebrates the role of trees in our lives and promotes tree planting and care." (Arbor is simply the Latin word for tree.) Arbor Day celebrations began in Nebraska in the 1870s and soon spread across the nation. This is a unique festivity,  across the United States and around the world, in that "many states observe Arbor Day on different days throughout the year based on the best tree-planting times in their area" (ADF). For example, in Mississippi, Arbor Day is always on the second Friday in February, but in Alaska, it's three months later and is celebrated on the third Monday in May. Nationally, though, Arbor Day is always the last Friday in April. Check out this fun map to find out when Arbor Day is celebrated in other states and around the world.

If you're looking for information on planting trees and other green things here in Mississippi, we recommend the Mississippi Extension Service. Their fact sheets and pamphlets cover tons of tree-related topics, from selecting trees, to caring for trees, to repairing trees, and everything in between. Be sure to check your local library for other tree-related gems, like The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs, and Conifers, Trees of Mississippi - And Other Woody Plants, and The Backyard Orchardist.

Books on trees for adults
There are fun books for children on the topic as well, like A Tree is Nice and While a Tree was Growing...
Books on trees for children
Looking for more arboreal fun? Check out our older posts about trees here and here. We hope that you have a great Arbor Day!

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