Monday, March 21, 2016

Meet MLC Monday: David Collins

Meet David Collins, Grants Program Director at the Mississippi Library Commission. David administers the federal and state grant programs to Mississippi public libraries. David calls himself the "middleman" between the government and libraries; he oversees the grant process from beginning to end. He enjoys traveling to the various libraries across the state to check on the status of their grants and grant projects. Mr. Collins says that he really didn't know a lot about libraries when he started his job at MLC in June of 2005. Now, nearly eleven years later, he has grown to love them and all they do. "I love to see libraries doing so much good with the grant money I help them obtain. I see how much they need the money, especially those without much local support, and watching them be able to buy books, computers, and other things they need--it's really nice and fulfilling."

David is a big Stephen King fan and especially likes the books he wrote that are set in Maine. He even went on a Stephen King tour in Bangor a few months ago; his tour guide professed that he was pretty tight with "Steve". Mr. Collins owns two beautiful Maine Coon cats and is also a huge Batman buff. He told me about a new comic called Twist that has to do with a Victorian female Batman that I'm dying to check out. Who do you suppose Mr. Collins is backing in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie? My bet's on the Dark Knight!

1 comment:

  1. David is always very patient and a great help!
