Monday, April 4, 2016

Meet MLC Monday: Joy Garretson

Meet Joy Garretson, Library Development Director at the Mississippi Library Commission. Joy supervises MLC's library consultants and provides assistance to public libraries when needed. She is the State Data Coordinator: she collects, proofs, and analyzes public library statistics for the state. When this information is needed--for example, to underscore the need for computers and broadband when presenting bills in the legislature--she provides the relative data. Ms. Garretson travels the state giving presentations to public libraries on topics like MAGNOLIA and customer service. She also oversees the continuing education program and helps teach workshops like Librarianship 101. Ms. Garretson will celebrate her three-year anniversary at the end of June. She holds a Master of English from the Mississippi State University and a Master of Library Science from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Joy says, "I love to create and implement new programs that impact libraries and librarians statewide." She mentions the Librarianship 101 program as a prime example. She also enjoys the fact that she gets to try new things that few, if any, librarians in the state are trying. "We're early adopters. We research new teaching methods and innovative programs and implement new projects. It's pretty exciting!"

Ms. Garretson likes to read mysteries and literary fiction. Kudos to her for soldiering through Anna Karenina. She also enjoys reading children's books with her four-year-old. Joy also loves a good cookbook. The Jerusalem Cookbook and Around My French Table are two that she's recently read (and tried!) from cover to cover. A renaissance woman, Joy is also heavily involved with music. She sings with several bands, including The Delicate Cycle, and plays the guitar and keyboards.

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