Thursday, April 25, 2024

Reach Out and Dial Someone (@ Your Library)

Happy Telephone Day! Given the ubiquity of telephones in today's society, it can be hard to believe we ever survived without them. Amazingly, it's been less than 150 years since Alexander Graham Bell patented his telephone invention. While others also lay claim to the birth of this revolutionary device, the telephone, even as Bell knew it, has gone through innumerable changes since it first appeared in 1876. It's doubtful that he ever imagined a device that could call, send messages and letters, store tons of files, photos, and other information, and still fit in a pocket or a purse. While all those bells and whistles are fun and revolutionary, libraries have found unique ways to harness the power of a simple phone call in the service of literacy and information. 

There are only so many places kids can call with impunity. Dial-a-story is one of them. Popping up in US libraries since the 1960s and 1970s, the concept is simple. A phone line is set up so that children can call any time, day or night, and hear a story read aloud. Once the story has been up for a while, usually a week, it is changed out for a new one. Several Mississippi library systems currently offer this service:

  • Central Mississippi Regional Library System
    Serving Rankin, Scott, Simpson, and Smith counties
    Dial-a-story number: 601-919-2090
  • Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System
    Serving Attala, Holmes, Leake, Montgomery, and Winston counties
    Dial-a-story number: 662-290-7323
  • Tombigbee Regional Library System
    Serving Clay, Monroe, and Webster counties
    Dial-a-story number: 662-497-6725
  • Noxubee County Public Library
    Serving Noxubee county
    Dial-a-story number: 662-726-9184

Watch for short-time phone opportunities at your library, too! Dial-a-poem is a similar service the Mississippi Library Commission offered in April of 2024 in partnership with the Mississippi Center for the Book. While the service ends with the close of National Poetry Month on April 30, callers can check in each weekday for a poem read just for them by calling 601-432-4001.

While both of these options are contactless--listen without having to speak with a single soul--reference services are offered by every library in the state. While you will have to speak to a live human, reference staff can help you find the answer to nearly every question you can dream up! Want to track down a local law, do some family tree searching, or just want to learn the lyrics to your favorite song? Call your local librarian and they can help you find the answer. Call 601-432-4492 or 1-877-594-5733 (toll-free) to tap into MLC's Reference Desk whizzes. Check out this directory of public libraries in the state to find your local Reference superstars.

Sounds like you had better start dialing. Reach out and dial someone at your library today! 

Elisabeth Scott
Reference Librarian

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