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Friday, January 14, 2011

Where is Jumpertown Anyway?

I was raised in Ellisville, Mississippi. Ellisville is not an everyday name but it’s far from unusual; at least in comparison to some other names in Mississippi. Here are a few interesting town names that I found today while searching for population records. I’ve included the town name, along with the county.

Alligator (Bolivar)
Beulah (also Bolivar)
Caledonia (Lowndes)
Cruger (Holmes)
Jumpertown (Prentiss)
Kossuth (Alcorn)
McCool (Attala) “Hi, I’m Jesse and I’m from McCool, Mississippi.”
Noxapater (Winston)
Shubuta (Clarke)
Conhatta (Newton)

If you’re from or know of an interesting town name, we’d love to hear from you!


  1. There is a town called "West" and near that, east of West, is one called Possum Neck. And of course we have a Damascus and a Moscow, both in Kemper County.

  2. Hot Coffee
    SoSo (if you're from Ellisville, you should know that one)

    And then there are the almost unpronounceable ones (or at least, that nobody can seem to spell properly) like Kosciusko.

  3. My family's hometown was a "suburb" of Shubuta called Pachuta. It was a railroad boom town and I don't think it exists anymore. I love Mississippi town names.

    One more good one: Chunky, Mississippi on I-20.


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