"You must love working at the library. You get to sit there and read whatever you want all day." While that is my dream gig, life at the Mississippi Library Commission is much more involved with getting books and library services out to people in the state than whiling away the hours flipping pages. When we're not hard at work at MLC, some of us like to read and some of us don't, just like the regular population. For those of us who are book lovers and have the time in our lives to savor books, we do a lot of reading.
We weren't able to share our "Books We Loved" list for 2022; life got in the way. Our favorite reads have been fun to share with you over the years, though, so we're pleased to take the tradition back up this year. You can look back at previous "Books We Loved" entries here: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 juvenile and adult, 2016 parts one and two, and 2015. Remember: these aren't books that were necessarily published in the year of the list, just ones that staff read and enjoyed that year. Also, these are staff reads, not MLC recommendations, so please research each book before reading to make sure the content is something you personally will enjoy. Without further ado, here are the books we loved in 2023!