Genealogy research is a lot like a treasure hunt. It can be very fun and rewarding to unearth family information, but it can also be potentially frustrating if you don't have as many facts as possible on hand to get you started on the right track. Because of this, we here at MLC thought it would be a great idea to share a few helpful links, book titles, and tips we've learned along the way while assisting our patrons with genealogy research. So here goes!

Tip #2- Gather as much information as possible! Interview relatives, obtain copies of vital records (birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, etc.) and plot out a general family tree (or ancestral chart) using what you already know (or gathered through interviews with relatives). There will be exceptions to this rule. Sometimes the impetus for starting genealogy research is because there's not much family information available to begin with. That's okay! Gather as much information as you can and try to fill in the gaps as you go along. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance.
Tip #3- Take your time and enjoy the process! It's perfectly fine to take a step back if you hit a bump in the road, or if life happens and you can't devote as much time as you'd like to the whole process.
Helpful Links:
Getting Started - National Genealogical Society
Organization for Genealogists -
Titles at MLC:
AARP Genealogy Online: Tech to Connect by Matthew L. Helm and April L. Helm. 2013
Genealogy Online for Dummies by Matthew L. Helm and April L. Helm. 2009
The Official Guide to by George G. Morgan. 2008
Plugging Into Your Past: How to Find Family History Records Online by Rick Crume. 2004
...and many more!
Did you know that we have Ancestry Library Edition and Heritage Quest available for use on our premises? If you have a library card with us, you can access Heritage Quest at home. Contact us for more information!