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Monday, July 24, 2017

LearningExpress Leaves the Station

For many years, the Mississippi Library Commission has provided access to LearningExpress Library for all Mississippians through their public libraries. As we announced back in April, we will be unable to continue this statewide subscription for the coming fiscal year. We're sorry to let such a vital resource go and know that we'll all feel its loss. Hopefully this will be a temporary setback and we will be able to resubscribe in the near future. In preparation of the loss of site access on July 31, MLC staff have created a resource page on our website. This page directs people to free sites that offer test prep or practice tests for many of the current tests offered on LearningExpress Library. Currently available are test prep for the ACT, GED, and GRE. We're planning to add test prep for the ASVAB and PRAXIS as soon as possible. We'll clearly miss the benefits of LearningExpress, but hope that this solution will provide some help to your patrons who regularly use the resource.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Let Me Put Some Words In Your Mouth

Summer Library Program at Winston County Library in Louisville,
a branch of the Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System
Every winter and spring, libraries are preparing ahead and looking for great guests for local summer library programs. Animal caretakers, magicians, firefighters, policemen, and other local professional, nonprofit, and state agency employees all contribute to fantastic, eye-opening experiences for children (and adults!) across Mississippi. We recently caught up with ventriloquist Johnny Lowe to discuss his experience during his first summer performing at libraries.

Summer Library Program at Lincoln County Library in Brookhaven,
headquarters of Lincoln-Lawrence-Franklin Regional Library
Lowe says that though he performed in big and small libraries, every single one has been a great event with a spectacular audience. "A lot of kids have never seen a ventriloquist and their reactions can be pretty interesting. The younger kids especially get a kick out of seeing a purple cat be loud and obnoxious. They flock to the front after a performance and ask to pet and talk to my sidekick Hunter."

Summer Library Program at Prentiss Public Library,
a branch of South Mississippi Regional Library
"I’m no Jeff Dunham," says Lowe, "but I’m always learning and working to be as entertaining and funny as I can. Once in a while a kid will say, 'I saw your mouth moving!' and then Hunter will berate me for not rehearsing enough. Other times they’ll ask if the puppet is real. When they do, Hunter looks at me and says, 'Nope, he’s pretty fake.' I'll say, 'Hey, that was rude,' and he'll respond with 'What's your point?' The kids and I all have had a lot of fun and it's been wonderful sharing my passion for ventriloquism with them."
Summer Library Program at West Public Library,
a branch of Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System
Summer library programs are still going strong in public libraries across the state. Head to your local library to find out what fun and extraordinary offerings they have for you!
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