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Friday, August 18, 2017

See MLC at the Mississippi Book Festival

The third annual Mississippi Book Festival is upon us, can you believe it?! Saturday, August 19, you have several chances to rub shoulders with Mississippi Library Commission staff while you're rushing from panel to panel. Here's how:

  • 9:00 AM
    The new Mississippi Literary Map will be unveiled by Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress. The map was commissioned by MLC and the Mississippi Center for the Book using funds from a Bicentennial Grant awarded by the Mississippi Humanities Council.
  • 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
    Every half hour for seven straight hours you can head to Room 204 to hear your favorite Mississippi authors read from their favorite Mississippi authors in the Book Festival's first Mississippi Marathon Reads.
  • 9:30 AM
    At 9:30, spend some time listening to a conversation between Representative Gregg Harper, Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Library, and Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress.
  • 4:00 PM
    Mississippi Center for the Book Director Tracy Carr (who is also Library Services Director at MLC) will moderate the Voices of Home panel. Joining her conversation on Mississippi writing will be Johnnie Bernhard, Julie Cantrell, Susan Cushman, and John Floyd.
  • All day
    Find our MLC exhibit in the Capitol Rotunda. Staff will be available to discuss the Mississippi Center for the Book and Talking Book Services.
We can't wait to see you at the third annual Mississippi Book Festival, the best literary lawn party in the world!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Learning and Preparing for the Total Solar Eclipse

On August 21, 2017, between 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, an amazing thing will happen: the skies will darken, temperatures will drop, and America will fall under the path of a total solar eclipse! A total solar eclipse is when the moon appears to completely cover the sun in the sky. Likewise, a partial solar eclipse is when the moon appears to cover some portion of the sun. Most of Mississippi will view a partial solar eclipse, but one at around .9 magnitude—which is still a very good thing! This means that most of the sun will be covered by the moon, but not all of it. The nearest location to view a total solar eclipse is Nashville, TN, and surrounding areas.

Though the period when the moon completely blocks out the sun will only be a few minutes long, the eclipse itself will take multiple hours, as the moon slowly moves towards and away from the sun. A lot of libraries are taking advantage of this to have a fun party! Some other libraries are hosting other eclipse-themed events, like learning how to make a pinhole camera or a special space-themed story time.

Here are some libraries that are having eclipse-themed events: Bay St. Louis-Hancock County Library, Brandon Public Library, Carthage-Leake County Library, Coffeeville Public Library, East Central Public Library, Gulfport Public Library, Ina Thompson Moss Point Library, Lucedale/George County Public Library, McHenry Public Library, Ocean Springs Municipal Library, Olive Branch Public Library, Orange Grove Public Library, Pascagoula Public Library, Pass Christian Public Library, Purvis Public Library, Southaven Public Library, St. Martin Public Library, Vancleave Public Library. Don’t forget to call your library ahead of time as well—some of these events do require you RSVP. Be sure to check with your individual library as to when their viewing parties start and finish!

BE SAFE WHILE VIEWING THE ECLIPSE! Looking directly at the sun, even if it’s partially covered by the moon, can permanently damage your eyesight, leading to vision problems or blindness. Anybody who plans to look at the solar eclipse should find a safe method of viewing, such as a pinhole camera or solar eclipse glasses. Some events will be providing glasses and some local libraries already have viewing glasses to give away—make sure to call your local library to see if that’s the case! Eclipse glasses can also be bought online from vendors certified by the American Astronomical Society. The solar viewing glasses should block all light except for the sun. Do not use your viewing glasses if they are damaged, scratched, or torn!

MLC staff members model an AAS certified pair of solar eclipse glasses

If you want to know more about the solar eclipse, check out these links below. No matter where you view it, stay safe and have a fun time viewing the eclipse!
Space.com: "Total Solar Eclipse 2017: When, Where and How to See It (Safely)"
Space.com: "How to Tell if Your Eclipse Glasses Are Unsafe (and What To Do About It)"
The New York Times: "During an Eclipse, Darkness Falls and Wonder Rises"
National Geographic: "Surprising Ways Animals React to Solar Eclipses"

Monday, August 14, 2017

Librarian of Congress Story Time

Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress
Later this week, Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden will join us and several classes from the Mississippi School for the Deaf for a special story time at the Mississippi Library Commission. Dr. Hayden, who is in town for the Mississippi Book Festival, will unveil the Mississippi's new literary map Saturday, August 19. Friday, she will read a childhood classic, The Rainbow Fish, while Bevin Glass, Certified Interpreter for the Deaf, assists with a translation from the words on the page to American Sign Language (ASL). We're pretty excited, both about this opportunity and the book itself.

To understand the process a book undergoes when translated into ASL, it's easiest to think of English and ASL as completely separate languages. Deaf and hard of hearing children who are read books with ASL translation but still have access to a print copy have a much easier time learning to read in English. Many times, these translations are much more elaborate than the actual printed story, which gives the child a more comprehensive understanding of the story itself. During further readings, the translation naturally moves to a closer rendering of the printed text, again helping with English literacy. You can read more about reading to deaf and hard of hearing children in this article by Reading Rockets, a national literacy initiative.

The Rainbow Fish
The Rainbow Fish, which is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary, is a vibrant picture book that conveys messages about the downside to pride and the virtue of sharing. The illustrations are unique, as author/illustrator Marcus Pfister used a holographic stamped foil for the rainbow fish's special scales. This was so costly that Pfister remarked, "We decided that I’d get only 50% of my usual royalties for the book, and only that way was it possible to make it work."

When once asked what he hoped children would learn from his book, Pfister said, "Just to learn to get along with any other people during their daily lives, at home, at school, anywhere. Our world becomes more and more complex every day, more and more completely different people from different countries and cultures live together. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth the effort."

We can't wait to introduce this universally loved picture book to the kids who go to school right down the street from us. Until next time, happy reading to them, and happy reading to you!


Friday, August 11, 2017

The Literary Gregg Harper

As the third annual Mississippi Book Festival draws near (only one week to go!), we're gearing up for a great time. One event we're especially looking forward to actually occurs pre-Festival. Representative Gregg Harper, who is currently serving his fifth term in the U.S. House, will visit the Mississippi Library Commission the day before the Festival along with the Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden. While we always welcome the chance to rub shoulders with our lawmakers from Mississippi (everyone loves Library Day at the Capitol!), this visit from our Congressman promises to be especially rewarding.

Rep. Harper is the Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Library, which has oversight of Library of Congress operations. Fun fact: the committee is the oldest continuing joint committee of the US Congress! While he's here, the congressman will present a donation of books from the Library of Congress Surplus Book Program. These books will enhance both MLC's collection and those of public libraries across Mississippi. After the presentation, Mississippi librarians will have a special Q&A session with Dr. Hayden.

On the day of the actual Festival, there are even more Harper appearances to look forward to. Repeating his role in kicking off the initial Mississippi Book Festival in 2015, the congressman will join Dr. Carla Hayden at 9 AM in kicking off the Festival by unveiling the new Mississippi Literary Map. The map was commissioned by the Mississippi Library Commission and the Mississippi Center for the Book. (If you can't make it, you can watch it here on C-SPAN.) Directly after the unveiling, Harper and Hayden will collaborate in a unique discussion. (If you can't make it, you can watch it here on C-SPAN.)

During the inaugural Festival in 2015, Rep. Harper brought along several programs from the Library of Congress, like the American Folklife Center, the Educational Outreach Division, and the Veterans History Project. On behalf of the latter project, he conducted a fascinating live interview with WWII soldier, POW, and veteran Earl Derrington.

Congressman Harper said of the first Mississippi Book Festival, "This will be an outstanding event, and something that folks of all ages and interests will not want to miss." We just know that the same thing will hold true for the third annual Festival on August 19!


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sixty Odd Years of Mapping the Literary

As we announced back in May, the Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden is traveling to Mississippi in a few short weeks to participate in Mississippi Literary Lawn Party activities and we couldn't be more thrilled. (Seriously, if you haven't marked the Mississippi Book Festival on your calendar for August 19, you need to do it now!) One of her many planned events while in Jackson is the unveiling of Mississippi's brand new literary map. This map, commissioned by the Mississippi Library Commission and the Mississippi Center for the Book, honors our state's rich literary culture and history.

The 2017 Mississippi Literary Map, which features 21 Mississippi authors illustrated by Jacksonian Ginger Williams Cook, is the latest in a series of maps put out by various literary-minded agencies in our state. One has appeared approximately every twenty years, each featuring a new representation of the lit set in Mississippi. In 1951, a blue-green hued map was created by two professors at Mississippi Southern College (now the University of Southern Mississippi). It was endorsed by the Mississippi Education Association.
Section of 1951 Mississippi Literary Map
A new map in 1970 had a more minimalist design. This map was put out by the Mississippi Library Association, which created a special Literary Map Committee for the occasion.
Section of 1970 Mississippi Literary Map
By the way, if you caught our teaser on Facebook yesterday, this angel represented Mississippi author Elizabeth Spencer's book No Place for an Angel.

In 1992, a literary map consisting of a collection of watercolor portraits by Wyatt Waters took the spotlight. It was compiled by the Mississippi Council of Teachers of English and sponsored by Delta State University. Funding was partially provided by an LSTA grant administered by the Mississippi Library Commission.
Section of 1992 Mississippi Literary Map

Stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds as we share more from these fascinating old maps. We're counting down the days until Carla Hayden reveals the new map at the Mississippi Book Festival and can't wait to see who's on it!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Mississippi Marathon Read

The Mississippi Library Commission is proud to partner with the Mississippi Humanities Council in the first ever Mississippi Marathon Read at the Mississippi Book Festival August 19! Come celebrate the publication of the new Mississippi Literary Map, funded by a Bicentennial Grant from MHC and Visit Mississippi. From 9:30 to 5, 15 Festival panelists will read from the works of 15 of your favorite Mississippi authors in 30-minute increments. All the fun happens in room 204 in the Capitol, so come on by to hear your new favorites read your old favorites!


9:30 Katy Simpson Smith reads Eudora Welty
10:00 Taylor Kitchings reads Barry Hannah
10:30 John Gregory Brown reads Lewis Nordan
11:00 Norma Watkins reads Anne Moody
11:30 Jami Attenberg reads Donna Tartt
12:00 Ebony Lumumba reads Margaret Walker Alexander
12:30 Steve Yates reads Walker Percy
1:00 Mary Miller reads Ellen Gilchrist
1:30 Gilbert Ford reads Tennessee Williams
2:00 Tom Franklin reads Larry Brown
2:30 Odie Lindsey reads Brad Watson
3:00 Michael Farris Smith reads Jesmyn Ward
3:30 Ralph Eubanks reads Richard Wright
4:00 Beth Ann Fennelly reads Natasha Trethewey
4:30 John T. Edge reads William Faulkner

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Summer Fun at the Library

As a parent, I understand the challenge of keeping kids busy during the summer. Finding fun activities was a challenge at best. The dreaded "I'm bored" made my head spin and made me count the days until school started again.

It doesn't have to be that way...thanks to your public library. The Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) is a consortium of states working together to provide high-quality summer reading program materials for children, teens, and adults at the lowest cost possible for their public libraries. By combining resources and working with an exclusive contracted vendor to produce materials designed for CSLP members, public libraries in participating states or systems can purchase posters, reading logs, bookmarks, certificates, and a variety of reading incentives at significant savings. It really proves the power of collaborative partnerships and library patrons are the ones who benefit.

Most libraries have something for all ages during the summer months. I've recently been traveling the state to check out some of these great Summer Library Program offerings. 

Baby Yoga at the Madison Public Library

These little ones had a wonderful time that day listening to stories about yoga and the importance of staying fit and healthy. They were able to spend time with their moms, aunts, grandmothers, or caregivers in a fun, relaxed environment. What a great idea!


I had heard of folks doing creative things with duct tape, and it was great to see the kids who participated having so much fun with this! They were able to make a bookmark or beads to create a necklace. The library had lots of volunteers to help and everyone had a great time.

Summer Library Program Kickoff with Superheros at the 

Talk about an amazing Summer Library Program kickoff event! Having three superheros jump from a plane and land in front of the library was quite a sight to see. The children were so excited to meet all of the heroes up-close-and-personal. It made for a great beginning for Laurel's Summer Library Program.

Puppet Show at the Florence Public Library

What child doesn't love a fun puppet show?  This library knows just how to make them fun and exciting for the kids. I was even dancing and singing along to the upbeat tunes. The stories were so cute and it was a great way to spend an afternoon at the library.

 "Unbuild It" at the Batesville Library

This program was so cool! The children were able to actually "unbuild" computers, computer screens, and tape decks. They even had activities for the smaller kids, who were able to build with Legos and Duplos. What a fun day at the Batesville Library!

Colorcopia - Art Classes for Adults at the Southaven Public Library

Adults from the Southaven area recently had the opportunity to channel their inner Picasso! John Martin Barger, a teaching artist with the Dixon Gallery & Gardens in Memphis, taught the group how to do collage cubism. Those in attendance had a wonderful time and came away with some true masterpieces!

All of these stories will be combined into a short documentary film about the value of Summer Library Programs in Mississippi. Be sure to watch for it to be released in early 2018! Thank you to all of the libraries who invited us to come and be a part of your fun programs. Great job!
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