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Friday, June 19, 2020

The Name’s Squatch. Sassy Squatch.

Alex Brower
Information Services Director

The existence of the Sasquatch has been the source of many arguments, both familial and scientific. There have been videos of reported sightings, adamant campers with tall tales, and even college courses that debate or seemingly prove the existence (or not) of this creature. What does the Sasquatch have to do with libraries, one may ask? One daring investigator led the children of an afterschool program on a quest through admittedly fake (or are they?) primary source documents to learn the value of research.

black and white photo of a woman wearing a checked shirt and glasses. She is staring intently of a fuzzy finger puppet on her index finger. Library shelves and carts are in the background.
Tracy Carr, Sasquatch Specialist (left)
Sassy, Sasquatch Puppet (right)

It all started when Tracy Carr, a librarian purportedly specializing in Sasquatches and real-life MLC Library Services Director, was invited to speak at the Neshoba County Library’s Sasquatch Week. A variety of “experts” presented information about various aspects of ‘Squatch life. At the end of each presentation, the adventurous attendees were polled to see who had been swayed towards believing in the beast. Ms. Carr needed to find a way to trick children and teach information literacy, but how?!

Enter Clementine McGillicuddy, Tobias Toole, and the mysterious Carl. These characters featured in four “primary source documents” that detailed the civilian Mr. Toole’s encounter with Carl, a suspected Sasquatch. Ms. McGillicuddy, an FBI agent from the Special Secret Issues Unit, made a sharpish safari to the Greenwood, Mississippi, site, ruining a presumably precious pair of pumps.

The ‘Squatch-seeking schoolchildren were instructed on the difference between primary and secondary sources. For those not in the know, or in the Special Secret Issues Unit, a primary source document is anything created at the time an event occurred. Examples include letters, diaries, newspaper stories, and photographs. Secondary sources are interpretations of primary source documents, like books written using diaries from the Civil War or a textbook written using interpretations of original research.

They were then presented with Ms. Carr’s “primary source documents”: three letters, one including a handy map, and a memo from the Special Secret Issues Unit. The children were tasked with putting them in order and discovering what events took place during the fateful days between February 3rd and May 4th, 1952. (These documents are included at the end of the post). The tale includes Mr. Toole’s original sighting and letter to Ms. McGillicuddy, hints at what may have been seen, and exposes the coverup that keeps Carl from certain discovery. After the students put the pieces together, Tracy had turned two doubting Thomases into totally taken-in Thomases. The investigators also got to make their own Sasquatch puppets.

Black and white photo of a fuzzy finger puppet sitting in a chair and looking at documents. Library shelves are behind it.
Sassy the Sasquatch finger puppet conducting their own independent research.
There you have it, folks. The tale of Tracy’s talk to temerarious tots. Who knew a humble Sasquatch named Carl could help impart so much learning? Your library could be the next Sasquatch research hub, teaching children about the wonders of primary sources and the world of critical thinking. But why stop at Sasquatches? Maybe your fearless fledglings could discover Nessie, or a unicorn, or some local mermaids. The world is your oyster when the topic doesn’t actually exist. Or does it…

Primary Source Documents:

Faked old letter dated february 3 1952 from Tobias Toole to Clementine McGillicuddy Director of the FBI special secret issues unit about the existence of a sasquatch named carl
Letter from Tobias Toole to Clementine McGillicuddy
hand drawn fake map with mountains, a river and carl the sasquatch's location. there are fake waterstains on the page
Map from Tobias Toole, included in letter
fake internal memo from clementine to J B Simo about keeping the sasquatch discovery under wraps and asked to be reimbursed for her ruined pumps
Memo from Clementine McGillicuddy to J.B. Simo
Fake 1952 letter from Tobias to Clementine saying he appreciated her visit and he's sorry she ruined her shoes. He also references the map he included.
Letter from Tobias Toole to Clementine McGillicuddy
Fake redacted letter from Clementine to Tobias. All you can read is thank you for your correspondence of april 14 unfortunately because of while we at the FBI we appreciate again thank you for your letter and please let us know if want to also sincerely
Redacted letter from Clementine McGillicuddy to Tobias Toole
To do your own research using primary source documents, check here:

See your local library for an amazing array of secondary source documents!

Interested in learning more about the Sasquatch and the lengths people have gone to find it? Check out these:

Monday, June 15, 2020

Meet MLC Monday: Abbe Macoy

Meet Abbe Macoy, Reference Librarian at the Mississippi Library Commission (MLC)! Abbe started working at MLC in late May and has been busy learning the ropes. Even under social distancing restrictions, Abbe has quickly picked up some of her new job duties: answering reference questions and shelving large print books. She holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Southern Mississippi. Her Honors Thesis was a collection of her own poetry titled To My Room’s Future Tenant for which she won the Honors College Excellence in Creative Activity Award.

3 small picture of MLC at top and at bottom. In middle is a photo of a smiling woman wearing glasses. A wooded area is behind her. Text reads I like libraries because there are so many different worlds on the shelves, and libraries are important because they value, protect, and share these worlds.

Although she's been here such a short time, Abbe has already been impressed by the diversity and harmony of the staff working here. She says the beautiful building is an added bonus. When asked about her interest in libraries, Abbe responds, "I like libraries because there are so many different worlds on the shelves, and libraries are important because they value, protect, and share these worlds." Abbe loves to read; her favorite book is A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. She is also heavily involved in her church, Relate Church, and likes to create Pinterest DIYs.

Join us in welcoming Abbe to the Mississippi Library Commission!

Monday, June 8, 2020

Meet MLC Monday: Jayson Bounds

Meet Jayson Bounds, Circulation Services Librarian in Talking Book Services for the Mississippi Library Commission (MLC)! Jayson started at MLC at the end of May, so his introduction to library life has been unusual, to say the least. No matter! He is quickly learning the basics of his job: keeping audiobooks stocked on our shelves and sending them out to patrons. He also checks that the digital cartridges aren't defective when they're returned through the mail. Jayson holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from Belhaven University.

3 small pictures of MLC Talking book services at top and bottom. In middle is a picture of a smiling man seated outside in front of a tree. Text reads I have always been fascinated by history and libraries hold those books that can act as gates to the past.

Jayson enjoys filling people's audiobook requests because he finds it interesting to see which books are most popular. (It's not always the current bestsellers!) His love for libraries stems from his passion for history. "I have always been fascinated by history and libraries hold those books that can act as gates to the past."

Although he only reads occasionally, recently Jayson was inspired to read his now favorite book, A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin, after watching the Game of Thrones series. Sports are his true passion. He likes rooting for his favorite football team, the Philadelphia Eagles, his favorite basketball team, the Philadelphia 76ers, and his favorite baseball team, the Atlanta Braves. When he has time, he also likes to play those sports with friends and unwind by playing video games, like The Witcher 3.

Please join us in welcoming Jayson to the Mississippi Library Commission!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Reading Black Lives in Mississippi

Our nation is in turmoil. On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was murdered by policemen in Minneapolis. His name was added to the seemingly unending list of Black people killed by those in power, and America responded by taking to the streets in protest. If you, too, are appalled by the continued violence against our friends and neighbors, you might be asking yourself what you can do locally to contribute. You can support protesters; Jackson specifically has a protest scheduled tomorrow, but they've been held across the state. You can donate to groups like Black Lives Matter, MS and Mississippi Bail Fund Collective. And you can read.

books are stacked on a small table in front of library shelves. fake magnolia behind stacked books. the books are death of innocence, ever is a long time, native guard, midnight without a moon, on the come up, and granddaddy's gift

As a library worker and book lover, I've been reading about the #OwnVoices movement for several years. #OwnVoices books are diverse books written by those who are members of that same diverse group. If you would like to learn more about the experience of Black people in Mississippi, consider reading any or all of the selection of Mississippi #OwnVoices books below. Most are by Black Mississippi authors, but a few are by Black authors who set their books in Mississippi. (For our collection, we identify Mississippi authors as those who are either born here in the state or have lived here for at least a period of four years. I've kept the same parameters here.) These books address racism, poverty, lynching, murder, and the oppression of Black people in Mississippi. Read them, think about them, and discuss them with your friends and family.

Picture Books
Middle Grade
Young Adult
Adult Fiction
Comic Books
We hope you can learn something new or shift your perspective by reading these books. If you know of a Black Mississippi author who should be on this list, please let us know in the comments. If you  want to explore beyond Mississippi books, consider the books and resources on these lists:
 Thank you as always for reading. Stay safe out there.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Meet MLC Monday: Kayla Martin-Gant

Meet Kayla Martin-Gant, Continuing Education Coordinator at the Mississippi Library Commission (MLC)! Kayla, who began working at here at the beginning of March, develops, schedules, presents, and coordinates training and workshops for MLC. Since the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic in Mississippi, she has worked to develop, locate, and distribute resources to librarians across the state, both for their own professional development and for sharing with patrons. She has even created a Facebook group specifically for Mississippi librarians and staff to share ideas and resources among themselves.

Kayla holds a bachelor's degree in English Literature from Belhaven University. She will graduate from the University of Southern Mississippi in December with a master's degree in Library and Information Science (MLIS).

3 small pics of MLC at top and bottom. Middle left shows a picture of a white woman with short brown hair and glasses. next to her text reads Meet Kayla Martin-Gant.  To me, libraries aren’t just important, they’re vital, because they’re one of the last places left where the bottom line for the people there is you and your needs, not your wallet.

Researching and finding resources for other librarians to use has quickly become her favorite part of working at MLC. Kayla says, "I love organizing information so that it's easy for everyone to navigate and utilize, and I love helping fellow librarians come up with new ideas, workshop old ideas, and solve problems in their libraries."

Kayla thinks that libraries can be a positive force for everyone. "I genuinely believe that libraries are, or should be, the backbone of the community. Libraries, and the people who staff them, are one of the only places you can go in this country where your existence is all that is required for entry. Librarians work endlessly to educate and entertain people of all ages and backgrounds. To me, libraries aren’t just important, they’re vital, because they’re one of the last places left where the bottom line for the people there is you and your needs, not your wallet."

Kayla is a reading enthusiast, too. A few of her recent favorites include Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration by Bryan Caplan, Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, and I’ll Be Gone In the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara. She also enjoys writing, creating Spotify playlists and Pinterest boards based on characters/stories/aesthetics/vibes, and taking goofy pics of her dog. Kayla listens to a lot of podcasts and the subjects range from history and true crime to science, society, and culture. (She especially loves it if it's something spooooky.) Fair warning: Kayla lives to spread the news about her favorite shows, stories, and podcasts, so be prepared to add to your to read/to watch/to listen lists!

Please welcome Kayla to the Mississippi Library Commission!
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