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Friday, October 31, 2008

Welcome Back, Blog!

Last week, as I was preparing for a presentation on blogging, I created a new, fake blog so I could walk myself through the steps. Then I deleted that new, fake blog. Only it wasn't the new, fake blog, it was our old, real Mississippi Library Commission Reference Blog. Oops.

So, here we are! Starting fresh! Eventually all of our old posts will make their way back over here, so never fear: you'll still be able to access those lists of interesting names from the U.S. Census, ads for chewing gum from the 1930s, and the ever-present nuggets of information. It just might take a little while.

Welcome back!


  1. OMG! I would have freaked! You know I thought your sidebar was on the right!?!

  2. There was definitely some freaking going on over here. But once we realized we could use the same address, the freaking subsided considerably!


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