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Friday, April 5, 2019

On the Road with MLC - Hancock County Library System

By MLC Library Consultant Shellie Zeigler

I recently traveled to the Hancock County Library for a tour of all five of the libraries.  My first stop was the Bay St. Louis Library where I sat in on a Department Head Meeting that included all of the branch managers and various other staff members.  It was very informative and gave me a great feel for the outstanding programming and plans going on in this library system.

Bay St Louis Branch

A particularly interesting passive program encourages staff and patrons to dress up as their favorite literary character which has been a favorite program in the past.  I also learned the system has a new website and they are working on a new logo.

The library system recently handed out library card application folders to 1st-3rd graders in the area schools.  The folders contained library card applications and library program information for parents.  There was a letter to teachers explaining the process and that the library cards would be delivered back to the class.  The class with the most applications would get a free pizza party.

The Bay St. Louis branch has been focusing on doing roving reference and the children's area is now staffed at all times.  The branch manager Amber Stephenson mentioned that they are working to redesign the branch to have a more open concept.

Waveland Branch Manager, Angie Christoffer and MLC's Shellie Zeigler

The next library on my route was Waveland. They were preparing for a "Pirate Day" planned for the following weekend.  It is such a charming branch with a large pirate ship as the focal point in the children's area.  The storytimes are conducted on the ship which must make them a great experience for the children.  The branch manager Angie Christoffer gave me a tour and loved showing off the large front porch that is a favorite of the patrons.

Pearlington Branch prepares for GED class

Next on my list was the Pearlington branch where I met with branch manager Andrea Pack.  This branch does a great deal of community-oriented programming.  They offer exercise classes for seniors, GED preparation classes, and they participate in the "Feeding the Gulf Coast" program to help children and adults.  They are excited about their upcoming "Bunny Hop" event that is similar to a trunk-or-treat program they do in the fall.

Children's area at East Hancock Library

After a night of rest I visited the East Hancock branch in Diamond Head where I met up with System Director Jennifer Baxter.  After a visit with Jennifer, the branch manager Gerri McCleskey gave me a tour of this lovely facility that has a colorful and fun children's area.

Children's program at The Kiln branch

My last stop was the branch in Kiln. Jennifer and I talked with branch manager Nell Ducomb.  There was a storytime going on in the children's area and an Excel by 5 representative was present to provide information for the parents.  This library has a wonderful fireplace that was a popular area on this cool morning.

Hancock County Library System Director Jennifer Baxter, MLC's Shellie Zeigler and The Kiln Branch Manager, Nell Ducomb

It was time to head back to Jackson, but I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Hancock County.  I can't wait to go back!  Special thanks to Jennifer and everyone on her staff for making me feel so welcome.

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