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Friday, November 7, 2014

Nabzdyk Chosen as ALA Emerging Leader

Jennifer Nabzdyk
Library Consultant
Mississippi Library Commission

The Mississippi Library Commission is proud to relate that one of our Library Consultants, Jennifer Nabzdyk, has been chosen as an American Library Association Emerging Leader for 2015. In a highly selective process--200 applied and only 50 were chosen--newly minted librarians will have the opportunity to "participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity" (ALA). She is the third participant to be chosen from Mississippi since the program's inception in 2007.

Upon learning of her acceptance to the program, Nabzdyk said, "I'm honored and thrilled; I didn't expect to be chosen after hearing the number of applications they received. I'm so excited to find out what our project will be!"

Nabzdyk will attend the Chicago ALA Midwinter Meeting in January, where she will be assigned to a group and a project. Nabzdyk believes that one of the reasons she was chosen is her many-layered library background. "They really seemed to be looking for diverse individuals. I've had experience working in public libraries, academic libraries, and our state library in such varied roles as cataloging, reference, circulation, and consulting." All of this will come into play when she and her group leave Chicago and head back to their individual libraries. Over the ensuing six months, they will continue to work together "in an online working and networking environment" (ALA). In June, she will travel to San Francisco to attend the ALA Annual Conference. Here, she and her group will present their project at a poster session presentation.

We at the Mississippi Library Commission are immensely proud of Nabzdyk and can't wait for her to "show her stuff" to the rest of the library world. Good job, Jennifer!


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