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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Training on the Road: MLC Style

I recently traveled to the Paul E. Griffin Library in Camden, Mississippi, early on a Thursday morning to meet up with my colleagues from the Mississippi Library Commission (MLC) for an all-day staff training for the Madison County Library System (MCLS). Canton Flea Market days are the perfect opportunity to do trainings because the main branch is located just steps away from the goings-on in the Canton Square. Getting to the library that day is almost impossible for staff and patrons. The Camden Library, in a quieter part of the county, is located next door to the community center... the perfect spot for a gathering of librarians.


The day of training started with MCLS Director Tonya Johnson giving an update on things going on system-wide. There are some great things in the works for the patrons of this library system thanks to this director and her hard-working group of librarians. 

MLC staff members Lacy Ellinwood, Ally Mellon, and Shellie Zeigler had their toolboxes loaded with all sorts of information to help these folks better serve the residents of the Madison County communities. Shellie started everyone off with tips on how to better serve older adults, a new offering by MLC.  

MLC Library Consultant Shellie Zeigler shares ideas about how to serve senior adults.

Ally provided everyone with an outstanding and detailed training on how to use MAGNOLIA and its databases, explaining what a value it is not only to patrons, but to librarians too. This ole girl even learned a few tips!

MLC Information Services Director Ally Mellon talks about MAGNOLIA.

Lacy talked about customer service and how to effectively help patrons, including those who can be challenging. She included an activity that let everyone talk about the most commonly asked questions in the library. She also went over different personality types and how to deal with them, even if they don't match your own!

MLC Library Development Director Lacy Ellinwood discusses customer service.

It was a great day with these folks and I am once again amazed by the knowledge and generosity of my colleagues at MLC. Helping librarians be the best they can be is their number one goal. I'm honored to be their traveling buddy and official photographer. I even learn a thing or two!

Special thanks to Tonya and all of the staff of the Madison County Library System. It was a fantastic day!

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